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Friday, August 30, 2019

Facebook Community Challenge for Developers Worldwide (USD $25,000 Prize) 2019


Today, Developer Circles is kicking off the third annual Developer Circles Community Challenge. Our goal is to bring together developers from across the globe to build software using React360, Spark AR, or HTML5 Games to give people the power to connect with friends and family, build communities, and grow businesses. Developers are invited to submit software across one of three categories: Productivity and Utility, Gaming and Entertainment, and Social Good.


There are over $165,000 USD in prizes for regional and global winners, with the global first place winner walking away with up to $25,000 USD in prizes.
Located in over 130 cities around the world with a community of over 200,000 developers, Developer Circles from Facebook is a great way for people to join a network of developers to collaborate, learn, and code together. For the 2019 Developer Circles Community Challenge, local Developer Circles will host in-person Build Days, where developers can meet each other, learn about Facebook Developer Products, and build solutions together. Visit the Challenge website to join a Build Day in your city and check back as new dates and cities will be added.
How to Enter:
  1. Register for the Developer Circles Community Challenge.
  2. Join the Developer Community Challenge Facebook Group.
  3. Join your local Developer Circle to collaborate with other developers.
  4. Check out the Facebook tools you can build with on the Resources tab.
  5. Create a two-minute demo video that demonstrates your solution’s features and functionality.
  6. Submit your project to the Challenge website by September 20, 2019, 2pm PST.
We can't wait to see what our global developer community builds! #DevCChallenge.
To win, developers will compete and win locally within one of seven regions: (i) North America, (ii) Latin America, (iii) Asia Pacific, (iv) India, (v) Sub Saharan Africa, (vi) Middle East/North Africa, and (vii) Europe. Each regional winner will continue to the final global round of the competition for a chance at additional prizes.
By taking part in the challenge, you'll have an opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people, challenge yourself, and win great prizes!
Submit the following assets:
  1. Demo video. (hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, or Youku). Your video should be around 2 minutes, include a demo of your working application via a step-by-step visual demo, and be available in English. Be sure to explain how the Facebook products used enhances the experience of your solution!
  2. Images. Please submit at least one image/screenshot of your application.
  3. Access. A way to access your working application for judging and testing by providing a mobile test build, a link to a live website, or a demo site where the application is deployed.


    Candidates should be from:

    Description of Ideal Candidate:

    Main Requirement: Build (or update) software that falls into any of the three categories and incorporates at least one of the three featured technologies:
    • React360
    • Spark AR
    • HTML5 Games
    • Gaming and Entertainment (including applications that users find fun and may play with)
    • Productivity and Utility (including applications that make users more efficient)
    • Social Good (including applications that help others and/or benefit the greater good)
    *Teams are also encouraged to integrate other Facebook products in their solution, e.g. Messenger, Graph API and other open source tools.
    • Quality of the Idea (30%)
      Includes creativity and originality of the idea.
    • Implementation of the Idea (50%)
      Includes how well the idea was executed by the developer and the extent to which the Facebook products were leveraged, and considerations for user privacy.
    • Potential Impact (20%)
      How much impact the product could have in its stated strategy.


    Deadline: September 20, 2019

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